Un filone nuovo e, per una volta diverso dalla solita fantascienza .... ambientazione horror-fantascientifica. Personaggi molto ben caratterizzati, trama a dir poco originale. Una lettura divertente
Introduction I am in the process of installing some Toshiba air conditioners in my house, and am planning to control them remotely using OpenHab (http://www.openhab.org/). The first step to be able to control the air conditioner is to be able to emulate IR signals as they are sent by the AC remote. In order to do that I have modified an open source IR library (https://github.com/r45635/HVAC-IR-Control) to add support for the Toshiba AC units. Air Conditioning remotes work in a slightly different way than standard remotes as they usually transmit a packet containing all information related to the AC as opposed to, say, TV remotes where every keypress transmits only a single information like a button press. This is a typical packet sent from a Toshiba Remote (in Hexadecimal): # Key Hex # Bits 1 fan1 F2 0D 03 FC 01 00 40 00 41 F2 0D 03 FC 01 ...
This is part 2 of a series of posts where I'll try to show how I am trying to set up a home control and monitoring system using open source tools and network enabled sensors. In Part 1 I illustrated how I decoded my Toshiba Air Conditioner AC signal, in this part I'll build on that to show how I built and ESP8266 based unit that is able to control five separate AC units in (hopefully in the near future) different rooms by receiving commands from a central server. The ESP8266 unit has also five DS18B20 temperature sensors that will be used to monitor real temperatures in the different rooms Parts List: one ESP8266 based dev board, powered from USB, it has seven output pins available to control various sensors/modules, wifi capabilities and the NodeMcu firmware that allows normal arduino sketches to run on it 5 SendIR module : an arduino/esp8266 controllable module that has two high power/high range IR emitters, used to control AC units in differ...
Introduction We have installed a photovoltaic system about one year ago, and have been logging solar production and house energy consumption since. As of this month we have enough logging data to start looking into the economic value of adding a storage system, specifically the new Tesla Powerwall in order to improve the auto consumed amount of energy. TL;DR: It's not worth it, yet :) Background - Photovoltaic System Our photovoltaic system is composed by 24 Viessmann Vitovolt 300 Panels@250Wp, for a theoretical peak power of 6kWp. The system is installed on our rooftop, and is Oriented in a W-SW configuration (Azimut@237 Degrees) with a 28 Degrees inclination, located in Northern Italy. As it can be seen by the lower production numbers of two panels, we have a chimney that casts an important shadow on two panels (1.1.9 and 1.1.10), and we have some shadow cast by some huge trees on a neighbour's property that basically block solar radiation from 6PM onwards fro...
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